STT Systems

STT Systems

Software Development

San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa 1,101 followers

We develop our own products for Human Motion Analysis and create custom Machine Vision solutions for the industry

About us

STT was created in April 1998 in the beautiful city of San Sebastián, Spain. Throughout these more than 25 years, our primary focus has been to develop innovative products and solutions for various 'Motion Analysis' and 'Machine Vision' applications. STT has also made itself strong in delivering custom software projects, as well as offering consultancy and training services. Existing customers include small businesses in need for off-the-shelf products as well as large companies and corporations seeking tailored solutions.

Software Development
Company size
11-50 employees
San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa
Privately Held
Motion Capture, Biomechanics, Machine Vision, 3D scanners, Motion Anlaysis, Sports Science, Gait Analysis, Optical mocap, Inertial mocap, Motion Tracking, Image processing, Machine learning, Software programming, and Specialized software


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    Zuatzu Business Park

    Easo Building, 2nd Floor

    San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa 20018, ES

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    Today we present to you the Cycling kinematics and bike fit fundamentals webinar that we have organized together with Borut Fonda, an authoritative voice in the field of biomechanics applied to cycling.   During it we will explain how at STT we capture human movement to study its kinematics, adjust the bicycle and optimize the performance of the everyday and professional cyclist. It is a methodology based on scientific research and is now ready for use by sports researchers, doctors and scientists.   We will address the technologies we use, their applications and the benefits for both the professional and the end user, with a practical approach.   See you on 16th of May. Discover more and register here:

    Cycling kinematics and bike fit fundamentals | STT Systems

    Cycling kinematics and bike fit fundamentals | STT Systems

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    For anyone who has ever been in the diagnostic or recovery stage of an injury, functional assessment is a term that rings a bell. Even though it's commonly used to bring together the different tests to gauge the development of children as they grow up, functional assessment has evolved beyond developmental tests and, true to its name, has become the area of healthcare where all function-oriented tests live. The instrumentation has become an important feature due to the nature of the tests, their specificity, and what they require to measure. Let's talk about some examples: the Timed Up & Go Test and its main goal is to help evaluate for frailty in aging patients and, as we know, life expectancy has been steadily rising in many countries. This test encompasses 3 smaller tests seamlessly, a sit-to-stand test, a gait test and a turn test. For anyone who isn't familiar with it, the test requires you to start sitting on a chair, get up, walk 3 meters to a wall or turn marker, then walk back to the chair and sit down. The TUG test proves effective to identify issues in the 3 major areas where people lose independence when aging. This test is evaluated with a stopwatch, the patient has up to 10 seconds to complete it in order to pass. And that is it: straightforward. Imagine the amount of biomechanical information that can be obtained from the tasks performed within this test. The gait pattern when walking a straight line versus turning, the kinematic sequence of standing and sitting, the partial times of each phase of the activity in addition to the total test duration. All of this information can be easily collected with our systems without encroaching on the test itself. Another example is the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). This test is usually performed by athletes during knee surgery recovery, and it requires the athlete to reach in several directions around them with an extended leg, and try to get as far out as possible without falling or resting their weight on the extended foot. This tests their balance on the support leg, and allows the examiner to compare the performance of each leg when supporting the full weight of the body. The main goal of this test is to assess whether the athlete has returned to full function on the injured leg or not, which is measured by the symmetry of the performed tasks. The SEBT demonstrates how motion capture systems elevate testing. With a markerset on the athlete, real-time biomechanical data extraction becomes effortless. This system offers detailed insights, including specific biomechanical parameters during key events and a count of valid reach attempts in all 8 directions, unlike the Y-test's 3 directions. There are several structured and validated functional assessment tests that can greatly benefit from the use of motion capture technology. At STT Systems, we're ready to listen to your specific needs and help you improve. Don't hesitate to contact us!

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    For anyone who has ever been in the diagnostic or recovery stage of an injury, functional assessment is a term that rings a bell. Even though it's commonly used to bring together the different tests to gauge the development of children as they grow up, functional assessment has evolved beyond developmental tests and, true to its name, has become the area of healthcare where all function-oriented tests live. The instrumentation has become an important feature due to the nature of the tests, their specificity, and what they require to measure. Let's talk about some examples: the Timed Up & Go Test and its main goal is to help evaluate for frailty in aging patients and, as we know, life expectancy has been steadily rising in many countries. This test encompasses 3 smaller tests seamlessly, a sit-to-stand test, a gait test and a turn test. For anyone who isn't familiar with it, the test requires you to start sitting on a chair, get up, walk 3 meters to a wall or turn marker, then walk back to the chair and sit down. The TUG test proves effective to identify issues in the 3 major areas where people lose independence when aging. This test is evaluated with a stopwatch, the patient has up to 10 seconds to complete it in order to pass. And that is it: straightforward. Imagine the amount of biomechanical information that can be obtained from the tasks performed within this test. The gait pattern when walking a straight line versus turning, the kinematic sequence of standing and sitting, the partial times of each phase of the activity in addition to the total test duration. All of this information can be easily collected with our systems without encroaching on the test itself. Another example is the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). This test is usually performed by athletes during knee surgery recovery, and it requires the athlete to reach in several directions around them with an extended leg, and try to get as far out as possible without falling or resting their weight on the extended foot. This tests their balance on the support leg, and allows the examiner to compare the performance of each leg when supporting the full weight of the body. The main goal of this test is to assess whether the athlete has returned to full function on the injured leg or not, which is measured by the symmetry of the performed tasks. The SEBT demonstrates how motion capture systems elevate testing. With a markerset on the athlete, real-time biomechanical data extraction becomes effortless. This system offers detailed insights, including specific biomechanical parameters during key events and a count of valid reach attempts in all 8 directions, unlike the Y-test's 3 directions. There are several structured and validated functional assessment tests that can greatly benefit from the use of motion capture technology. At STT Systems, we're ready to listen to your specific needs and help you improve. Don't hesitate to contact us!

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    Ayer en la sesión de Presentación de proyectos del Programa Inmersión en Empresa Familiar impulsado por Rural Kutxa y la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar (Fundación Antonio Aranzábal y Deusto Business School-Donostia) nos reunimos una veintena de estudiantes y otros tantos directivos y tutores participantes para presentar los proyectos estratégicos que Algeposa, Echemar SL, i2U , Salva Industrial S.L.U, STT Systems, Talleres AGUI, EUN Creating Smart Spaces , Forest Pioneer GROUP, GAESTOPAS, Interalloys & Investments, S.L., KIMUA GROUP, Reiner Group, TRANSPORTES INSAUSTI SA y ZENTEN BERNHARD GROTEN, S.L. plantearon como prácticas a un grupo de estudiantes de Deusto Business School. En su objetivo por conectar a la juventud altamente formada y a las empresas familiares enraizadas en Gipuzkoa, el programa cuenta con el apoyo de Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa , que se materializó con la presencia ayer de Ane Insausti Altuna, diputada de Promoción Económica y Proyectos Estratégicos. Gracias a todos/as, instituciones, empresas familiares y estudiantes, por la acogida y la confianza en nuestra iniciativa.

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    En ZITU, concebimos la innovación no solo como un proceso interno, sino también como un compromiso activo en colaborar y participar en ecosistemas de #innovación más amplios. 🤝 Hemos tenido el placer de colaborar con, TTT Group, STT Systems, CIDETEC, LINQ, Arrola Hornos y Ceit Centro Tecnológico en el proyecto #IAIOA, con el apoyo del programa #Hazitek de Grupo SPRI. 👈 El proyecto se ha centrado en el desarrollo de sistemas avanzados de inspección, control y monitorización online de procesos y productos, combinados con herramientas de inteligencia artificial #IA. Estas herramientas incluyen algoritmos de aprendizaje automático y supervisado, reconocimiento de patrones, análisis de datos o software de predicción. 💡🔎 #investigacion #desarrollo ZITUn, berrikuntza barne-prozesutzat ez ezik, #berrikuntza-ekosistema zabalagoetan lankidetzan aritzeko eta parte hartzeko konpromiso aktibotzat ere hartzen dugu. 🤝 TTT Group, STT Systems, Arrola Hornos, CIDETEC, LINQ eta Ceit Centro Tecnológico ikerketa zentroekin batera #IAIOA proiektuan parte hartzeko aukera izan dugu, Grupo SPRI-ren #Hazitek programaren laguntzarekin. 👈 Prozesuak eta produktuak on line ikuskatzeko, kontrolatzeko eta monitorizatzeko sistema aurreratuak garatzea izan du ardatz proiektuak, #IA adimen artifizialeko tresnekin konbinatuta. Tresna horiek ikaskuntza automatiko eta gainbegiratuko algoritmoak, patroien ezagutza, datuen analisia edo aurreikuspen-softwarea dituzte.💡🔎 #ikerketa #berrikuntza

    Innovación en el control de calidad con Inteligencia Artificial

    Innovación en el control de calidad con Inteligencia Artificial

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    Beijing Restart Biotechnology, representing STT Systems, will participate in the 12th Beijing Physical Fitness Conference scheduled for November 25th and 26th, 2023, promises to be an exciting and enlightening milestone in the field of sports sciences and physical preparation. This event, bringing together eight experts, both national and international, with vast experience in various sports-related disciplines, presents a unique opportunity to learn about the latest advancements in the training and physical preparation field. As our official distributor in China, Beijing Restart Biotechnology will play a prominent role in this event, emphasizing its commitment to promoting and facilitating continuous development in educational institutions, research centers, and other entities related to scientific research and sports rehabilitation. This team of professional services adopts a comprehensive approach, covering everything from sports scientific research to physical assessment and correction, rehabilitation physiotherapy, physical training, and the sale of specialized human factors engineering equipment. Moreover, Beijing Restart Biotechnology offers training services, secondary development, and system integration, establishing itself as a valuable partner for entities seeking to advance their goals in the sports and scientific research arena. Within the conference framework, the company will proudly showcase its cutting-edge systems, including our iSen inertial analysis system and external analysis tools. Our iSen system represents a significant advancement in motion capture technology, providing sports and research professionals with the ability to conduct precise and detailed biomechanical analysis. Additionally, it offers biomechanical features and instant report generation, providing users with a comprehensive overview of the collected data. For the Chinese audience, this conference presents a unique opportunity to firsthand experience the future of motion analysis through the innovative products and services of STT Systems. Beijing Restart Biotechnology will act as the direct link for those interested in learning more about how these advanced technologies can transform and enhance sports practice and research in China. The presence of national and international experts in sports science and physical preparation at the conference will provide an enriching environment for the exchange of knowledge and experiences. Participants will have the chance to delve into the latest training concepts, learn from success stories of elite athletes, and engage in interactive workshops that will enhance their understanding of best practices in the field.

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    Entendemos el trabajo más allá de fabricar y producir nuestras máquinas industriales; si no también como un compromiso por la investigación y el desarrollo para aportar nuestro granito de arena y cambiar/mejorar el futuro de nuestro sector. En este caso desarrollamos este proyecto de la mano del consorcio integrado por Ceit Centro Tecnológico, TTT Group, STT Systems, ZITU, CIDETEC y LINQ, con el apoyo del programa #Hazitek de Grupo SPRI. En concreto, el proyecto se ha centrado en el desarrollo de sistemas avanzados de inspección, control y monitorización online de procesos y productos, combinados con herramientas de inteligencia artificial (#IA). Estas herramientas incluyen algoritmos de aprendizaje automático y supervisado, reconocimiento de patrones, análisis de datos o software de predicción. Al utilizar esta IA, se pueden implementar sistemas de monitorización y control en la línea de producción, lo que permite a las empresas identificar y abordar problemas de producción de manera proactiva. El trabajo se ha centrado en dos áreas clave de investigación. Por un lado, se ha investigado en la caracterización de la dureza (superficial y en el núcleo) tras temple y revenido, y por otro, se ha abordado la caracterización de la dureza superficial y la profundidad de capa tras la cementación y temple por inducción, ambas mediante técnicas magnéticas no destructivas. #ArrolaHornos #Euskadi

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    Sistemas avanzados de #inspección no destructiva combinados con herramientas de #IA 💡 #Ceit ha participado en el proyecto #IAIOA, que ha tenido como objetivo completar el control de #calidad destructivo con sistemas de inspección no destructiva digitales que permiten controlar todas las piezas y analizar los resultados en tiempo real. El trabajo del consorcio se ha centrado en dos áreas clave de #investigación ➡ se ha investigado en la caracterización de la #dureza (superficial y en el núcleo) tras temple y revenido ➡ se ha abordado la caracterización de la dureza superficial y la profundidad de capa tras la #cementación y #temple por inducción, ambas mediante técnicas magnéticas no destructivas 🤝 TTT GroupArrola HornosSTT SystemsZITUCIDETEC, LINQ 👉 Con el apoyo del programa #Hazitek de Grupo SPRI. #ResearchingToday #CreatingTheFuture Más información 👇

    El proyecto IAIOA desarrolla sistemas avanzados de inspección no destructiva combinados con herramientas de IA

    El proyecto IAIOA desarrolla sistemas avanzados de inspección no destructiva combinados con herramientas de IA

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    Sistemas avanzados de #inspección no destructiva combinados con herramientas de #IA 💡 #Ceit ha participado en el proyecto #IAIOA, que ha tenido como objetivo completar el control de #calidad destructivo con sistemas de inspección no destructiva digitales que permiten controlar todas las piezas y analizar los resultados en tiempo real. El trabajo del consorcio se ha centrado en dos áreas clave de #investigación ➡ se ha investigado en la caracterización de la #dureza (superficial y en el núcleo) tras temple y revenido ➡ se ha abordado la caracterización de la dureza superficial y la profundidad de capa tras la #cementación y #temple por inducción, ambas mediante técnicas magnéticas no destructivas 🤝 TTT GroupArrola HornosSTT SystemsZITUCIDETEC, LINQ 👉 Con el apoyo del programa #Hazitek de Grupo SPRI. #ResearchingToday #CreatingTheFuture Más información 👇

    El proyecto IAIOA desarrolla sistemas avanzados de inspección no destructiva combinados con herramientas de IA

    El proyecto IAIOA desarrolla sistemas avanzados de inspección no destructiva combinados con herramientas de IA

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    En Zitu, estamos enfocados en el I+D y la innovación. Estamos orgullosos de ser parte del proyecto IAIOA junto a TTTGROUP, Arrola Hornos, LINQ, STT Systems, Ceit Centro Tecnológico y CIDETEC, impulsando la innovación en la industria de servicios auxiliares. Lee el artículo completo, publicado por Grupo SPRI, para conocer más detalles. ¡Seguimos comprometidos con la excelencia y la competitividad en la industria manufacturera!   Zitun, I+G-ra eta berrikuntzara bideratuta gaude. Harro gaude IAIOA proiektuaren parte izateaz TTTGROUP, Arrola Hornos, LINQ, STT Systems, Ceit Centro Tecnológico eta CIDETEC,-ekin batera, zerbitzu osagarrien industrian berrikuntza bultzatuz. Irakurri artikulu osoa, Grupo SPRI argitaratua xehetasun gehiago jakiteko. Manufaktura-industriaren bikaintasunarekin eta lehiakortasunarekin konprometituta jarraitzen dugu! #artificialintelligence #innovation #technology #opportunity #zitu #eris

    El proyecto IAIOA desarrolla sistemas avanzados de inspección, control y monitorización online de procesos combinados con herramientas de IA

    El proyecto IAIOA desarrolla sistemas avanzados de inspección, control y monitorización online de procesos combinados con herramientas de IA

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